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Details of Operation of wshForCZP

wshForCZP works in two different modes: preparation (accessible by the menu item «Edit -> Select folders» respectively the first button of the toolbar) and finishing (wshForCZP automatically switches to this mode if the program detects unprocessed CZPBatch output in the working directory of CZPBatch). Normally you start the preparation mode; wshForCZP will be started in finishing mode automatically after batch processing by CZPBatch has finished.

Preparation Mode

When you start the preparation mode there should be no files and no subdirectories (except maybe CZPoutputs) in the working directory ofCZPBatch.

After selecting the menu item «Select folders» there will appear a dialog for choosing the folders containing the image files to process. You choose a folder by selecting it and then clicking «OK». The paths to the chosen source folders will appear in the main window. When you have chosen all them source folders you want to process click on the dialog's «Cancel» button - the dialog will close and wshForCZP will start the processing of the chosen source folders.

According to configuration setting you may now be asked if wshForCZP should check the images in the source folders for uniform dimensions (you can also configure wshForCZP to perform this check or to abstain from it without prompting; see here). If there are any problems concerning the CZPBatch working directory specified by the configuration setting (see here), you will be notyfied by a message box prompting you for remedies.

If the checking of image dimensions is performed and images of different dimensions are detected in a source directory there will appear a message box containing information thereto. It gives you the options to exclude the image files of deviating dimensions or the entire source folder from batch processing or to process the images anyway; if you don't like any of this alternatives you can terminate the program wshForCZP at this point.

Now wshForCZP starts the preliminary operations. For each source folder there will be created a subdirectory in the CZPBatch working directory; the source images will be copied to this subdirectory. A message box owning the ingenious title «Please wait...» and a progress bar banishes boredom while wshForCZP is busy preparing the CZPBatch working directory.

The image files will in any case be copied and not just moved. Indeed it would be possible to improve speed by just moving them, but in developing wshForCZP priority was given to safety - if batch processing was terminated by any unexpected error you had to move back the image files to their hereditary location manually, in the course of which this and that could go wrong. The source image files stay all the time at their initial location in the file system and are only copied.

In addition to the subdirectories containing the source images wshForCZP creates the files wshForCZP_Anzahl and wshForCZP_KontrollMap in the CZPBatch working directory. They are used internally and deleted automatically during cleaning up operations in the finishing mode after the batch processing. You don't have to take notice of these two files in any way - however you must not delete or change them during batch precessing with wshForCZP, otherwise wshForCZP will slip away.

wshForCZP_Anzahl contains simply the number of subdirectories still waiting for processing; it's content gets decremented by any run of wshForCzpCounter.exe. When the content reaches zero wshForCZP will automatically be started in finishing mode.

wshForCZP_KontrollMap contains the mapping of the temporary subdirectories in the CZPBatch working directory to the input folders containing the original source images.

When wshForCZP has finished it's preliminary operations the program CZPBatch is started automatically. Be sure the input field «Outer Folder» of CZPBatch shows the contents of the CZPBatch working directory specified in wshForCZP's configuration settings (default is "C:\czpBatchFolder"). In the fields «Macro Set» and «Macro» select items in accordance with criteria explained elsewhere (see here). The remaining options affect only the output of CZPBatch to the directory "CZPoutputs". Start batch processing by clicking «OK». You can choose to be notified of accomplished procession of single source folders by sound events; also available is a sound event for finishing the entire batch processing (see configuration settings).

Finishing Mode

wshForCZP is started automatically in this mode when CZPBatch has finished it's operations (and if you specified a suitable macro for CZPBatch; see here). In this mode you are not expected to supply any input; wshForCZP simply writes the resulting images created by CZPBatch to subdirectories of the source folders. If problems should be found during this operation (due to missing writing permissions or difficulties in network) wshForCZP will notify you by means of a final message box.

In such an error case the created image files eventually are located in an emergency directory called wshForCZP_save which is located in the CZPBatch working directory. wshForCZP_save contains subdirectories whose names will give you a hint at the corresponding source image folders. In these subdirectories you will find the output directories containing the output images - you can move them manually to the source image folders. When you got saved all them output folders you can delete wshForCZP_save manually.

Details about errors and emergency directory you'll find in the message box - you can take them from there by clicking the button «Copy to Clipboard».

It's worth to remark again that in developing wshForCZP safety of source files was given priority - wshForCZP will never overwrite a subdirectory already existing in a source directory. If there exists a subdirectory called by the name of the output directory to create wshForCZP will create a new subdirectory with a name differing in an appended numerical suffix.

If any problems occured in batch processing and CZPBatch terminated in an unexpected way you could try to start wshForCZP - if the contents of the files wshForCZP_Anzahl and wshForCZP_KontrollMap in the CZPBatch working directory are consistent, wshForCZP will switch automatically to the finishing mode and start finishing operation. If the contents of these files are inconsistent wshForCZP will notify you by means of a message box and terminate.

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